Sometimes, he would drive too fast.664,446
My imagination created the most beautiful affair.664,446
He could not foresee the consequences of falling.664,446
We both met him at the same time.664,446
Why ask a question when you already know the answer?664,446
There were always more than two people in the bed.664,446
There were no villains to be found.664,446
He didn't need a boyfriend to win the war.664,446
I am exactly where I need to be.664,446
Actions speak louder than words.664,446
He could have no expectations of anyone but himself.664,446
He told himself he was killing time.664,446
He was a passive observer.664,442
There was lying on his breath.664,442
Something told me to believe in him.664,446
The distance was beginning to take its toll.664,442
The connection was sporadic664,460Not For Sale
Patience was a virtue.1386,960
He thought he heard a horse.664,442
Freezing rain was in the forecast.664,442
All would be revealed in time.664,442
It was time to surrender.664,442Not For Sale
He was tired of playing by the rules of someone else's game.664,442
Fear kept him from moving.664,442
With every loss, there was a gain.664,442
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